Auf Wiedersehen, Evolutionsstratege!!!

Tomorrow (February 11th 2006) will be a sad day to the Evolutionary Computation field, because our revered colleague and friend Professor Hans-Paul Schwefel (Der Evolutionsstratege) is retiring from the academic area (Professor Schwefel is in the center of the picture above - [see note 3]). There are not enough words to express all his contributions to the Evolutionary Computation, since his first steps doing calculations on a mechanic device to demonstrate the working principle of the proto-Evolution-Strategy, still in the 1960's, until now with a very rigorous and robust analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms (meanly Evolution Strategies), offering us well fashioned, very analitic and elegant investigations of that kind of algorithms (such as time complexity, convergence properties and other complexity-based studies [see note 1]) without the necessity to appeal to very weird/strange/creep/non-algorithmic concepts, approaches and models. If there was an approach he applied, it was the Engineering and the Science spirits, because Engineering is Art and Ars, sine Scientia, nihil est!! (see note 2)
The University of Dortmund will hold a Festkolloquium to celebrate this occasion. The program is below and will have the presence of important persons inside Evolutionary Computation. (Click here to see the original program at University of Dortmund)
And, now, the final words (in slide presentation) of Professor Schwefel at the Festkolloquium:
Thank you, Professor Hans-Paul Schwefel, for all your contributions and pioneer work inside Evolutionary Computation and, also, Engineering!!
Your contributions to the Evolutionary Computation field are undeletable!!
Auf Wiedersehen, Evolutionsstratege!!!
P.S: Soon I will post again the "Evolutionary Computation Classics - Vol. I" here. I am doing some corrections and writing new texts to improve it.
1 - You might ask me: "Why would someone need all those Complexity-based investigations to use an algorithm ??" Well, my friend, all those Complexity-based properties/features are things ihnerent to algorithms and it is really complicated to disconect algorithms from their characteristics, because, without these, algorithms are not an Engineering/Science object, but, (maybe) only, flies around a lamp in the dark.
2 - Art, without Science, is nothing!! - Jean Vignot
3 - I would like to thank Mrs Antje Schwefel for have sent me that picture above and, also, to have answered some questions about chinese and japanese language. :D

Tomorrow (February 11th 2006) will be a sad day to the Evolutionary Computation field, because our revered colleague and friend Professor Hans-Paul Schwefel (Der Evolutionsstratege) is retiring from the academic area (Professor Schwefel is in the center of the picture above - [see note 3]). There are not enough words to express all his contributions to the Evolutionary Computation, since his first steps doing calculations on a mechanic device to demonstrate the working principle of the proto-Evolution-Strategy, still in the 1960's, until now with a very rigorous and robust analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms (meanly Evolution Strategies), offering us well fashioned, very analitic and elegant investigations of that kind of algorithms (such as time complexity, convergence properties and other complexity-based studies [see note 1]) without the necessity to appeal to very weird/strange/creep/non-algorithmic concepts, approaches and models. If there was an approach he applied, it was the Engineering and the Science spirits, because Engineering is Art and Ars, sine Scientia, nihil est!! (see note 2)
The University of Dortmund will hold a Festkolloquium to celebrate this occasion. The program is below and will have the presence of important persons inside Evolutionary Computation. (Click here to see the original program at University of Dortmund)
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Steffen
Dekan des Fachbereichs Informatik
Prof. Dr. Eberhard Becker
Rektor der Universität Dortmund
HPS: Humble, Pioneer, Scholar
Prof. Dr. Kenneth A. de Jong
George Mason University, Fairfax VA, USA
Hans-Paul Schwefel, Predator-Prey, and Multi-Objective Optimization
Prof. Dr. Kalyanmoy Deb
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India
Chairs, Evolution, and Hans-Paul Schwefel
Prof. Dr. Marc Schoenauer
Université Paris Sud, France
- Snack -
Der SFB 531 und die Rolle der Theorie
Prof. Dr. Ingo Wegener
Erste Eindrücke am Lehrstuhl 11
Prof. Dr. Petra Mutzel
Zur frühgeschichtlichen Theorie der Evolutionsstrategie: Eine Zeitreise
Prof. Dr. Günter Rudolph
Evolution eines Lehrstuhls: Intelligenter Entwurf oder selbstorganisiertes Chaos?
Mike Preuß und Boris Naujoks
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Paul Schwefel
And, now, the final words (in slide presentation) of Professor Schwefel at the Festkolloquium:
"Could my career have been planned? I don?t
think so! It is the result of many improbable events
and bifurcations. Richard Dawkins used the nice
metaphor climbing mount improbable for the course of
life on Earth (I do not agree with all of his theses).
My advice for your career: To achieve all that is
possible, you must attempt the impossible !
I am content with my life and hope that you have not
suffered from me too much.
Many people have contributed, in different ways, to my
zigzag career.
More names should be listed here than there are seats
in this room!
Let me go with a shortlist only:
My wife Antje, also honorary member of the group,
responsible, e.g., for the biennial report Blaues Heft
(take one on leaving together with a decision aid from
this jar)
My current secretary Gundel Jankord, former secretary
Heike Bracklo, and the longterm technical
administrator Uli Hermes
All other members of the Chair, current and emeriti
and you, who have come from all over the world (alas,
nobody from other planets :) ) to meet me again at
this somehow final event.
Grand merci mes amis ? hartelijk bedankt beste
vrienden ? thank you very much dear friends
? vielen herzlichen Dank!"
Thank you, Professor Hans-Paul Schwefel, for all your contributions and pioneer work inside Evolutionary Computation and, also, Engineering!!
Your contributions to the Evolutionary Computation field are undeletable!!
Auf Wiedersehen, Evolutionsstratege!!!
P.S: Soon I will post again the "Evolutionary Computation Classics - Vol. I" here. I am doing some corrections and writing new texts to improve it.
1 - You might ask me: "Why would someone need all those Complexity-based investigations to use an algorithm ??" Well, my friend, all those Complexity-based properties/features are things ihnerent to algorithms and it is really complicated to disconect algorithms from their characteristics, because, without these, algorithms are not an Engineering/Science object, but, (maybe) only, flies around a lamp in the dark.
2 - Art, without Science, is nothing!! - Jean Vignot
3 - I would like to thank Mrs Antje Schwefel for have sent me that picture above and, also, to have answered some questions about chinese and japanese language. :D
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