Sunday, August 05, 2007

Evolving Robotic Dance Style Through Simulated Evolution

Very interesting this post here. It has to do with the evolution of robot gestures, let's say "dancing", with the use of a genetic algorithm. The performance is evaluated accordingly to the facial expressions of the audience and the objective is to maximize the attention level from the public. Very nice!

Via Pieces of Digital Media.

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Genetic Algorithms And Schedule Evolution

Here you are an interesting post on the evolution of schedules through genetic algorithms, see here.

There are also some guidelines to the implementation details to deal with that kind of problem.

Via When IE meets SE.

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Evolving Images Through Simulated Evolution

Don P. Mitchell has written a program that evolves images via genetic algorithms, see here.

The results are very interesting!

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Evolving Design Through Simulated Evolution

Nice post from RASMUS BRØNNUM upon evolutionary architectural diagrams, see here. It is a Java program called ArchiKlugethat that evolves structures and shows on-the-fly some of the current results. The program runs in a applet and you can even manipulate the structures using your mouse to rotate them and exhibit a different perspective of the evolving structure.

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Fractal Images And Genetic Algorithm

Rintrah Roars has beautiful fractal images, some of them are generated through genetic algorithms, see here. See here a direct link to an image evolved through genetic algorithm.

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Evolving Organisms Behaviour Through Simulated Evolution

PLoS Computational Biology has an article upon using genetic algorithms to evolve organisms and the complexity of their behaviour, see here.

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On Bridges And Design

Wolfram's blog has a nice post upon bridge design via Mathematica, see here.

There is also a follow up story upon the way that the I-35W Mississippi River bridge could have collapsed, see here. Thanks to Kathryn Cramer. :)

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Charles Darwin Has A Posse Check Google Page Rank