The Divine Beauty Of Imaging Processing

The picture of a Swedish girl is the most applied to several tests related to image processing. But a thing that, maybe, people do not know is the history behind that picture, which was got from a 1972 Playboy issue.
The name of that girl is Lenna (or Lena) and there is the complete history of her famous picture inside image processing: The Lenna Story.
That link also tell us the meeting where Mrs Lenna met in 1997 with the imaging experts, when she attended the 50th Anniversary IS&T conference in Boston held in May, and this story was reported on Playboy and Wired. The IEEE Transactions on Image Processing and SPIE Journal Of Optical Engineering also had some stories about that picture and problems realted to copyrighted images.
Take a moment to read The Lenna Story, it is very very interesting.
If you would like to see the whole famous image of Lenna, click here (WARNING: She is completely nude!)
If you want to know how to seduce a woman like Lenna, please, see here. :)
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