Sunday, May 21, 2006

Evolving Racing Cars Through Evolution Strategy


I was doing a Technorati surfing when I found an interesting post at Togelius blog: Evolutionary Car Racing Videos. It is a very nice post about an application of Evolution Strategies.

The owner of the blog, Julian Togelius, used an Evolution Strategy to evolve a set of Neural Networks to control the cars and he and his friend got interesting behaviours for their cars. The authors did not expect that those behaviours would be a little strange for some situations they cited. In his blog there are some videos about the experiments he made with the evolved cars. Enjoy it! :D

Take a look at the post, it is a very nice one!

Até Mais!!


Monday, May 15, 2006

Evolutionary Computation News


I found via Pulse an interesting news about Professor Ingo Rechenberg (Der Bioniker). Here you are the link: Ingo Rechenberg - Evolutionary Strategies for Technical Innovation. The picture above is Professor Rechenberg in front of an experiment that is very seemed with the Evolution Strategy's Experimentum Crucis.

Até Mais!!


Wednesday, May 10, 2006



I found an interesting picture of Professor Ingo Rechenberg and Professor Hans-Paul Schwefel. See below:

That photo, I guess, was taken still in the 1960s while both Germans were students at TU-Berlin. In the background we can see Professor Rechenberg, he is standing in front of the wind tunnel, where there is an inverse airfoil. In the foreground we can see Professor Schwefel waving his hand and sitting at the table, where there are some measurement instruments.

It is an interesting and historic picture! The seeds of Evolutionary Computation field also began there, in Germany, with the Evolution Strategy. :)

Auf Wiedersehen!

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